{* * $Revision: 1.8 $ * If you want to customize this file, do not edit it directly since future upgrades * may overwrite it. Instead, copy it into a new directory called "local" and edit that * version. Gallery will look for that file first and use it if it exists. *} {if !empty($theme.imageViews)} {assign var="image" value=$theme.imageViews[$theme.imageViewsIndex]} {/if} {if !empty($theme.params.sidebarBlocks)} {/if}
{g->theme include="sidebar.tpl"}
{if !empty($theme.item.title)}


{/if} {if !empty($theme.item.description)}


{g->block type="core.ItemInfo" item=$theme.item showDate=true showOwner=true class="giInfo"} {g->block type="core.PhotoSizes" class="giInfo"}
{if !empty($theme.navigator)}
{g->block type="core.Navigator" navigator=$theme.navigator reverseOrder=true}
{if !empty($theme.imageViews)} {capture name="fallback"} {g->text text="Download %s" arg1=$theme.sourceImage.itemTypeName.1} {/capture} {if ($image.viewInline)} {if isset($theme.photoFrame)} {g->container type="imageframe.ImageFrame" frame=$theme.photoFrame width=$image.width height=$image.height} {g->image id="%ID%" item=$theme.item image=$image fallback=$smarty.capture.fallback class="%CLASS%"} {/g->container} {else} {g->image item=$theme.item image=$image fallback=$smarty.capture.fallback} {/if} {else} {$smarty.capture.fallback} {/if} {else} {g->text text="There is nothing to view for this item."} {/if}
{* Download link for item in original format *} {if !empty($theme.sourceImage) && $theme.sourceImage.mimeType != $theme.item.mimeType} {/if} {* Show any other photo blocks (comments, exif etc) *} {foreach from=$theme.params.photoBlocks item=block} {g->block type=$block.0 params=$block.1} {/foreach} {if !empty($theme.navigator)}
{g->block type="core.Navigator" navigator=$theme.navigator reverseOrder=true}
{/if} {g->block type="core.GuestPreview" class="gbBlock"} {* Our emergency edit link, if the user all blocks containing edit links *} {g->block type="core.EmergencyEditItemLink" class="gbBlock" checkSidebarBlocks=true checkPhotoBlocks=true}